Working with climate impact

Climate change is accelerating. That is why we should use our time, skills and technology right.
At DTU Earthbound, we bring together DTU students and researchers through climate-focused events and collaborations, creating a climate tech community and an active pipeline of climate innovators.
This mobilisation activity leads to the discovery of high-potential climate technologies across research labs at DTU, which are advanced toward real-world solutions through hands-on venture-building support. Our goal is to build an enduring climate tech community at DTU that launches impactful startups - delivering purposeful solutions for climate challenges.
To mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, we are looking for technology innovations across three key impact areas.
Our approach empowers researchers to tackle specific, high-impact challenges within these areas, harnessing their technology’s unique strengths to deliver meaningful climate impact and enhance resilience against climate change.
Decarbonising Hard-to-Abate Sectors
Technologies that tackle critical challenges in hard-to-abate areas, such as long-distance and heavy transport, heavy industries (steel, chemicals, cement), and agriculture. This includes solutions ranging from engineered to nature-based carbon removal and utilisation.
“Quick Wins” for Scaling Proven Solutions
Technologies that accelerate the deployment and scaling of established solutions, such as reducing waste and inefficiencies in food systems and industry. For further inspiration, explore the Drawdown Solutions Library.
Renewable Energy Integration and Grid Modernisation
Technologies that accelerate and scale renewable energy adoption, including innovations in energy storage and grid optimisation.
We won’t be able to address all the challenges the world faces
Where is technology still needed?
According to the IPCC, the main sectoral drivers of direct CO2e emissions are energy (33%), industry (24%), agriculture (22%), transportation (15%), and building and construction (6%).
However, not every sector requires new technology. For many, the key is scaling existing solutions across different regions. This is why, coming from a world-class technical university, we focus on areas where technology still plays a crucial role.
We also prioritise projects based on their secondary environmental benefits and risks. One example is projects that enhance biodiversity and promote circularity, which reduce or remove CO2e, as well as data-driven tools and analytics that support discoveries and informed decision-making.
Energy Systems
- Long-duration energy storage
- Hydrogen
- Grid management
- Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) and direct air capture
- Sustainable materials (cement, steel, plastics, textiles)
- Reducing non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHGs)
- Industrial electrification
- Waste management
- Low GHG protein alternatives
- Alternative fertilizers and pesticides
- Reducing food loss
- Mitigating methane and nitrous oxide emissions
- Sustainable land management
- Electrification of heavy-duty vehicles
- Hydrogen fuel infrastructure
- Modal shift to sustainable transport options
- Advanced public transit solutions
Built Environment
- Electric and efficient building systems
- Low-carbon building materials and construction methods
- Resilient infrastructure design
Invitation to Collaborate: Does your technology address climate change?
If you're unsure whether your project aligns with our portfolio, we encourage you to apply or get in touch with us directly.
Luna Gyalokay
Venture Lead, DTU Earthbound
M: +45 26272195
Researchers are expected to clearly articulate their impact potential, providing an estimated figure or range for greenhouse gas emission reductions in tonnes per year at full technology scale. At the application stage, sources and methodology, is required to back up assumptions.
Throughout your engagement with Earthbound, access to an LCA tool will support the refinement of your impact assessments.methodology is required. Throughout your engagement in Earthbound, access to an LCA tool will help you improve your impact assessments.
Our Theory of Change
A Theory of Change is a logic framework that explains how and why we believe our activities will lead to the desired change, outlining short- and medium-term outcomes, as well as long-term impact.
Throughout our work with the Theory of Change, we have explored:
- Why do we believe our approach will be effective?
- What assumptions are we making?
- Do we have evidence to support these assumptions, or do we need to gather more data?
The Theory of Change is the backbone of our goal setting, planning, and reporting – and it’s a key part of understanding how we operate. That’s why we want to share it with you.